A Reflection on 2020, A Welcome to 2021

Wow, 2020 was a year we never expected.  It was also a year that we will change us forever.  As we reflect on 2020 let us consider the many changes we experienced.

The pandemic of 2020…

Forced us to SLOW DOWN.  None of us would say that we wished that the pandemic of 2020 occurred.  However, the pandemic forced us to SLOW DOWN.  We live in a society that constantly has us moving, trying to fill as much as we can in a minute, hour, day and week.  We still live in constant FOMO, Fear of Missing Out.  We get caught up in the fantasy of “living our best lives.”  We struggle with allowing ourselves self-care because we prioritize being successful and productive.  The pandemic forced us to stop and reflect.  It forced us to see things we might have missed when things were busy, accessible and open.  We had to re-evaluate our spending habits, our diet and self-care practices, our relationships with spouses, significant others, romantic partners and with our friends and families. 

Reminded us how important connection is.  The pandemic forced us to not take connection with others for granted.  Social distancing guidelines and safety precautions made us think seriously about our behaviors that would affect the health of our loved ones.  But it is also reminded us of how we might take our loved ones for granted by not taking the time to engage when things are busy and hectic.  Missing physical touch such as a hug or a kiss on the check, reminded us how simple acts such as these are so powerful in managing and sustaining our relationships.  Switching to a virtual platform was not our ideal way to engage but allowed us to maintain connections during the past year.  We also learned creative ways to have fun in new ways of connecting with people.

Exposed us to a great deal of trauma.  We saw people of color being disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.  We witnessed multiple deaths and illness and had to process grief and loss in ways that did not allow us to utilize our typical ways of grieving.  We experienced political conflict in our governmental leadership but also within our families and friendships.  We endured the brutal deaths of Black people by law enforcement and experienced racial trauma.  We saw ourselves and loved ones have career, work and financial layoffs, furloughs and loss of small businesses.  We witnessed new levels of poverty, homelessness and hunger.

2020 will forever have an impact on us.  However, do not lose the benefits of 2020 and let go of the gifts that we received.  2020 has taken away enough from us.  Make sure to evaluate how to change your living going forward. 

  • Remember to slow down and take time to engage in self-care and connect with others. 

  • Prioritize connections with others.  Make time for those who are important to you. 

  • Be more thoughtful, kind and empathic to others.  Maintain any generosity of 2020 and keep it going by paying it forward. 

  • Get involved in enhancing race relations. Educate yourself and be an antiracist. 

  • And take nothing for granted ever again.

Happy New Year!